The Stihl 325 Pitch Chainsaw Chain
Author:admin Date:05-05-2023
The Stihl 325 Pitch Chainsaw Chain is a small-size chain that is ideal for cutting smaller branches and bushes where you can't use a larger-size chain. It also has enough horsepower to get through most jobs.
The chain's top cutter planes off strands while the side plate cutting edge splits the strands in the direction of the sprocket on the sprocket, allowing the saw to cut through the wood. The chain also has a depth gauge setting to control the amount of penetration depth and thickness of the strands that are cut.
Chains are an important part of a chainsaw and they should be sharpened regularly. They can be done with files that are specifically designed for the saw and this will make them last longer and provide better results.
If the file is too big or too small, it will damage the blade's teeth and you won't get as good of a cut as you would with a file that is too large. It's best to choose the proper size for your saw and you can do this by using a chart that is provided by each brand of chainsaw to determine the correct file size.
You can also use a plastic roll for measuring the clutch, chain, and file before you sharpen it. This will ensure that you are using the right file for the job and that it is working properly.
The 325 pitch chain is the smaller of the two sizes and it has a 0.325 inch spacing between its rivets. This spacing is important because it relates to the amount of space between the links on the chain and helps to cut down on drag. It also cuts down on the amount of energy needed to operate the saw, which can save you time and money in the long run.
Another key factor to consider when choosing a chain is its sprocket size. Sprockets that are too big can slow down the saw and cause it to work more slowly than it should. This will not only waste your time but it may also result in other problems with the saw that could be avoided if you had chosen the right sprocket size.
When choosing a sprocket size, be sure to check the sprocket's capacity and the number of drive links. These factors will help you to determine if the sprocket is capable of transferring the power from the saw.
In addition, the sprocket's size can also affect the type of wood that you can cut down with the saw. If you're chopping down large trees, it might be more efficient to use a saw that has a larger sprocket size.
This will allow the chain to move faster and you'll have less resistance to the chain as you cut. It will also prevent the chain from getting stuck and tangled up.
Generally, you should use a file that is a little bit bigger than the chain's diameter. This will cover most of the top of the saw's teeth when sharpening and will provide more effective cutting. If you don't use the right file, you will have to keep sharpening your chain a lot more often, which can be costly.